Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Turning Over

by Cheryl Merrick

They’re grown,
but when I hear of their struggles
with supporting themselves,
building strong marriages,
developing faith in themselves,
their partner, and
their Father in Heaven,
learning how to be parents,
and nurturing their children,
caring for their health,
and managing their finances,
I want to rush in and
solve their problems
and save them from suffering and struggle.

Like an over-anxious school child
I am eager to show what I have learned
by answering the questions
the younger children have been asked.

Reminding myself
that the goal is not their ease,
but their growth,.
I smile.

Remembering the lessons I’ve learned
as I’ve wrestled with problems
and how I've learned to rely on the Lord’s help.
I ask myself if I really want to shelter
my children from these experiences?

Understanding, I take a step back
Turning them over
to His wise care.

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