Wednesday, March 21, 2018

What Do I Long For?

by Cheryl Merrick
I long for time to rest, 
time to think and ponder,
and time to enjoy nature.

I long for time
 to build relationships,
 with God, my family,
 and with friends.

I long for time to grow,

time to study, write,  
and care for myself.

I long for time to serve,

time to tend grandchildren,
time to send encouraging notes,
and time do family history.

Most of all,

I long to be still
and have the time 
to live a simple life. 

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Simple Lessons

by Cheryl Merrick
Some lessons are simple:
"You can't take more
out of a bucket,
than you put into it",
and "You can't reap what 
you have not sown."

Logically I understand,

but when it comes to
patiently and slowly
filling my bucket,
or carefully sowing
and nurturing my field,
my understanding vanishes.