by Cheryl Merrick
No more experimenting to make me “better”.
My health is stable.
I know what I should do and what to avoid.
I am to avoid everything I reasonably can
which stresses me physically or emotionally.
I am to avoid chemicals in buildings.
I have removed most allergens and chemicals
from my home and diet.
I can get out some but not for too long.
I need to avoid extremes in temperatures
and strain on my jaw, rib, and hips.
I am to take my medicine on time
and once in the middle of the night.
I am to sleep at consistent times.
I am to relax after six in the evening.
I am to move frequently, but only for short periods
and never get out of breath or overtired.
I am to walk and do stretches daily.
I am not to lift anything over a few pounds.
I can putter around my home
and keep it clean and orderly.
I am not to worry about any yard work.
I am to delegate all I can.
and let my husband help me whenever possible.
I am to simplify my life and not make new commitments.
I am not to travel more than an hour away from home.
I am keep my license but not to drive much
and have my husband shop or shop from home.
I am to limit time spent doing detailed work.
I am to visit outside or on the phone,
but can have a few family holiday socials inside.
We have some refinements to finish,
but our yard, garage, and home are basically settled.
I am to use my time and energy to
nurture family, friends, and ward members.
I am to serve as a missionary on
and support my team and leaders.
I am to be a full partner in the businesses--
helping my husband to be successful.
I am to study and ponder the scriptures
and other Church magazines and manuals.
I am to save time and energy
to communicate with my Heavenly Father.
I am to do the research and prepare
the temple work for my family.
I am to preserve the family stories and photos
on the Church’s Family Tree site.
I am to write family history stories
and poems which record my life,
and share my thoughts with others,
I am to study and do research on many topics
so that I can grow in understanding
and be prepared to support others with creative ideas.
I am to support those with have adrenal problems
by putting information on my blog and answering their questions.
I am to attend Sacrament meeting by phone from home.
I am to write the missionaries, send cards to widows,
and encouraging emails to family and friends.
I am to increase our unity in our marriage.
I am to care for myself and rest when I feel tired.
I am to enjoy life and be happy.
I am to share my testimony, express gratitude
and set a righteous example of living by eternal principles and faith.
I am not to waste my time and energies.
I have things to do!
My life is settled
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