Friday, April 1, 2016

His Way

by Cheryl Merrick

Feeling I needed
to solve my own problems--
I failed.

My days were long and frustrating.
Why wasn’t I getting to
the writing and studying
I so wanted to do?

I prayed for help,
but little changed.
I still pushed myself
striving to accomplish all the details
I thought I should
then, after a period of increasing stress,
I’d collapse exhausted.

I couldn’t seem to break this cycle.
What was I doing wrong?

With a new deeper understanding
of the power of the atonement,
I prayed again with greater faith
in the Lord’s power to help me.

I prayed asking to know what I should change;
listened, and implemented the answers.

I knew I should counsel with my husband.
Not only were answers finally coming,
but working on problems together
brought lasting solutions
and an increased unity between us.
I had not just my talents, energies, and ideas
to draw from, but my husband’s also.

Though I wanted answers years earlier
and to solve my problems myself,
I can now see the Lord’s wisdom
in having me wait and
teaching us His way of unity--
with Him and with my husband.

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