Monday, June 29, 2020

Turning 70

by Cheryl Merrick
Seventy seemed sooo old
when I was a child.
Now, it seems sooo long ago
when I naively determined 
that I would never "let"
myself become old.

Youth and middle age have long passed
til here I am a "senior" complete with 
crinkled skin and frail health,
but also with a more loving heart 
softened by the things I have suffered.

Slowly over the years, 
the abrasion caused by 
each sorrow and challenge
has worked to polish my soul. 

All sorts of clutter is gone.
Meaningless activity,
anxiety over acquiring possessions,
and concern for others opinions, 
have become only dim memories.

A few of my dreams did have
a fatal collision with reality,
but, surprisingly,
I discovered that they were not
necessary for my happiness. 

Experiencing both 
the fragileness and the joys of life,
relationships and family 
now shine with an eternal importance.

Through the years of serious illness,
I've come to rely on Him 
who has the power
to not only give me strength,
but also peace. 

Looking back with gratitude
at all the refining experiences
seventy years have held for me,
I now look forward with hope
to all the future opportunities 
for growth that will enlarge my soul
and bring me lasting joy. 

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