Monday, April 4, 2016

Balancing Opposites

by Cheryl Merrick

Relaxing in the sun,
but getting something done

Nurturing my spirit,
but exercising my body

Starting many projects,
but completing them

Focusing on eternal goals,
while not neglecting daily necessities

Providing rest for my body,
but also my mind

Meeting the needs of the moment,
while not forgetting the essential

Being flexible,
but within structure

Responding to people,
but giving other support too

Providing leadership,
while nurturing growth

Maintaining an orderly, clean home,
but not making it the focus of my energies

Setting rules and limits,
but having a relaxed, comfortable home

Focusing on the things of the spirit
while appreciating the beauty around me

Building stores of ideas to draw from,
but responding to the present

Making time to reflect and plan,
but accomplishing necessary tasks

Caring for immediate family,
but also friends and neighbors

Keeping an unpressured pace,
but not allowing it to slow to depressed inactivity

Enjoying an enthusiasm for life
while not pushing myself

Being active,
but never over-tired

Nurturing relationships with others,
but also nurturing myself

Teaching and uplifting,
but not preaching and pressuring

Listening to impressions,
while also acting on them.

Meditating and Moving
Faith in Action
Love in Service
Growth in Balancing Opposites

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