Monday, September 29, 2014

Passing the Test

by Cheryl Merrick

Can you pass the test?
Can you respond with love 
when you are treated unjustly?
Can you still thank the Lord 
when what you have long hoped for is denied?
Can you feel God’s love even 
when He is allowing you to suffer and die?
Can you be an example of faith 
when all your hopes crumble away?

Can you hold on 
trusting on God’s wisdom?
Can you move forward having faith 
that whatever happens will be 
for your and your family's good?
Can you see all life’s experiences as 
opportunities to grow? 
Can you know disappointment and still smile?
Can you lose yourself in serving others
even when your needs are great? 
If you can face your challenges with faith,
Then you have passed the test of life. 

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