Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Who I Am

 by Cheryl Merrick
Am I a wife who spends 
her time and energies
endlessly waiting on "her man"?
No, but I do endlessly give
support and encouragement.

Am I a mom who hovers 
over my children 
always "caring" for them? 
Not really, but I am always there
to cheer them on as they
learn to solve their problems.

Am I a permissive grandmother
ever spoiling my grandchildren?
No, but I'll be there
to teach them and show them
how to live and be happy.

Am I the "sweet" helpful neighbor
ever ready with sympathy and cookies?
Actually, I'm not,
for though I feel deep compassion
it never obscures my view of your
immense potential. 

Am I a friend who is always there
to take "your side" against the world?
No, but I am willing to risk our relationship
by gently telling you the truth 
so you can grow.

Am I a person who has faith in you;
whose love will always be there;
and who will always encourage you
to become the best you can be?
Yes, that's who I am. 

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