Wednesday, December 30, 2020

What I choose

Do I value
the popular and conventional
or the uniquely beautiful?

Do I follow social customs
or true principles?

Am I content to stay as I am
or do I have a drive to reach higher?

Do I believe that "it can't be done"
or that "the impossible only 
takes a little longer"?

Who I Am

 by Cheryl Merrick
Am I a wife who spends 
her time and energies
endlessly waiting on "her man"?
No, but I do endlessly give
support and encouragement.

Am I a mom who hovers 
over my children 
always "caring" for them? 
Not really, but I am always there
to cheer them on as they
learn to solve their problems.

Winter Night

by Cheryl Merrick
Moon- full disk of glowing light
high in the winter sky

Trees- dark silhouettes
trailing shadows behind them

Stars- distant points of light
punctuating the velvet expanse

As winter's intense stillness
enfolds the night in beauty

Thoughts on a full moon in December

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Christmas 2020

by Cheryl Merrick
This year Christmas
is different.
The normal holiday bustle
has slowed to more of an amble.
The social frenzy has fizzled,
and our myopic focus on 
finding "the perfect gift"
has enlarged, 
as realizing how important
our families are to us,
we are filled with a longing 
to just be with them.

Facing a pandemic, death of loved ones,
unemployment, and civil unrest
has made us more
aware of our vulnerabilities
and grateful that 
our Savior came to earth 
to show us how to live
and to give us hope.

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Not Alone

 by Cheryl Merrick
Silence hangs over my home
like a crushing weight
pressing in upon me.

Fighting the quiet,
I try to fill it with my words
as I remember all our
pleasant conversations,
but my speech only echos 
off the hard stillness. 

Monday, December 21, 2020

Time to Say Goodbye

 by Cheryl Merrick

It is time for us to say goodbye
to a humble, loving man.

Desiring to be with your family,
you have bravely suffered
pain, treatments, and therapy.
The last 20 years have passed too quickly,
as you have fought to remain here
continually giving us your love and support.

Friday, December 18, 2020

Succumbing to the Expected

by Cheryl Merrick
Accepting both my doom and my duty,
I plodded through my day
doing what is expected of me.

Diligently trying to meet
others mundane needs and wants,
I unwisely accepted the judgement 
that while their gifts are useful
mine are merely frivolous.

This is how, conceding to the expected,
my sparkling creative light
was carefully hidden and nearly forgotten
under a smothering, dark basket.

I wrote this in December of 2019, but never posted it. Since then, I have continued to largely suppress my creative talents allowing endless details to consume my time and energies, so I posted this now to remind me to change my ways. 

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

A Frog's Advice on the Danger of the Slow Boil

by Cheryl Merrick

At first the cool water feels invigorating.
I swim and splash thoroughly enjoying it.
I enjoy the sense of freedom
to be able to do things 
that I've wanted to for so long.

Though it's a little warmer now,
I feel even better.
With my muscles relaxed, 
I get so much done!
Life is great!

Time to Be Myself

by Cheryl Merrick

Over and over again,
I push myself
to meet the needs
of those around me.

Each day, the struggle
to be what I'm not
weighs on me,
til tired and grouchy,
I finally collapse 
into an exhausted heap.

The love and support
I've bestowed on family and friends
becomes just a memory
as I withdraw into myself to recharge
before my light extinguishes,
and it is only after days of healing,
that I am able to reach out again.

Monday, December 7, 2020


by Cheryl Merrick

I. Accepting reality
Doomed to endlessly repeat my actions, 
like in the movie, Groundhog Day
until I "get it right,"
I reluctantly acknowledge that 
I must accept reality.

What must I accept?