Wednesday, March 9, 2022

With You

by Cheryl Merrick
With you, my love,
nothing seems impossible
as we walk with God.

Together, Change can be fun,
Challenge is an adventure,
Disappointments are only temporary,
Projects are doable,
and all things become 
opportunities for growth. 

My husband and I are at Valley of Fire in Nevada. Our first outing since I was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer.

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

How did I go in less than two weeks from wheelchair to hiking?

Struggling with exhaustion,
I came to a point where
I could no longer read
and could barely walk.

Knowing my life depended 
on my being able to take
my cancer medication,
I prayed to know
what I could do
to continue taking it.

Anticipating a blessing of strength,
I sat stunned by my answer
to remove everything 
which makes me ill
from my living environment.