by Cheryl Merrick
I've had enough of "guilt trips"
being used to control me.
I'm tired of being told
that if I don't meet everyone's needs,
I'm a bad person.
I'm had enough of being told that
only evil, selfish people
wouldn't want to live
just to make others "happy".
I'm tired of being manipulated
into giving up my right
to manage my own life.
I've had it with having
to take responsibility
for others' actions.
I'm no longer accepting
that I'm so deficient,
inept, and "bad"
that I don't deserve
to control my own life.
I won't feel guilt
because I "selfishly"
won't allow myself
to be controlled by others.
I'm tired of letting
myself be used
just so another person
doesn't have to risk growing.
I'm tired of being pressured
to completely surrender
my will to another.
I've had it with being told
it is selfish
to care for myself.
No longer will I accept
that love is protecting
another from life.
I've grown tired of my love
being used as a chain
to enslave me.
I'm weary of the constant vigilance
required to detect
another's unspoken desires,
then having to rush to meet them.
I'm tired of taking the abuse
of constant critism
and always being belittled.
I'm tired of a standard
where a daughter
is expected to always accede
to her mother's "superior" wisdom.
I'm exhausted with having
to suppress my personality,
opinions, talents, and competencies.
I'm tired of having to appear
less than I am
just so I won't intimidate
a person who refuses to grow.
I'm tired of having
every mistake another makes
publicly blamed on me.
I will no longer be dismissed
as "only a child"
when I am old enough
to be a great-grandmother.
I no longer will be treated
as if I was too incompetent
to even care for myself.
I've had it with being told that
the matriarch has the "right"
to control the lives and
hard-earned resources
of everyone in the family.
Nor do I believe she is entitled
to a lifestyle superior to that
of any other family member.
I don't believe that it is the family's
"duty" to give her
everything she desires.
I don't accept that her demands
are "fair" because, someday,
I'll be the matriarch
and have the "right"
to abuse my children.
I do not believe that
the loneliness of a woman,
who refuses to make friends,
is justification for my abandoning
my own husband, children,
and grandchildren.
I will not accept that another
knows better than I
what I need and want.
I won't allow my faith
to be used as a weapon
to beat me into submission
to her will.
I'm fed up with being told
how "noble" and "good"
it is to "sacrifice"
my happiness for her wants.
I don't believe that a "loving person"
never even mentions her needs,
and constantly agrees with others.
I'm tired of being shamed
if I question the matriarch's
"evidence", goals, or wants.
I'm tired of having my data
dismissed because
my memory is "faulty".
I want to no longer merely exist
to enable another
to hide from life.
I will live my own life.
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