Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Misfortune or Blessing?

by Cheryl Merrick

As the kind words, and sympathy
about our "hard times" arrive,
we are surprised.
Yes, we have had five surgeries in five months
(3 for me and 2 for my husband),
but we are grateful for them
and feel that the Lord is blessing us.

Knowing that we have come
to earth to learn and grow
from our experiences,
we do not expect the Lord
to prove His love for us
by removing the normal affects of aging.

Saturday, November 25, 2017


by Cheryl Merrick
(Read by one person)                 (read in unison)                          (read by other person)


Hobbling                                                                       Hopping
                                           to the window,
the old man                                                                   the young boy
                                           definitively declares,
“Too cold out there!”                                                   “Great sledding!”
                                           and so, with one last               
chilling glare,                                                                longing glance,
the old man                                                                   the young boy
settles back in                                                               rushes from
 his chair,                                                                      the room,
                                            of snow,
                                            and hoping it
will soon                                                                       will not

Two Men Facing Death

by Cheryl Merrick

Knowing the end is near,

one man sits blankly in his chair,
his eyes looking hopelessly
out into nothingness.

His wife withdraws
consumed by fears
of soon becoming
"just a widow".

As the other man's friends and family
gather to say goodbye,
his eyes twinkle
as he lovingly shares
these last moments of his life.